Appel à contribution – Salve Regina. New Approaches to Marian Devotion in the Middle Ages

22-24 April 2020
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Sala Marino Berengo, Ca’ Foscari, Dorsoduro 3264

This conference seeks to explore and offer an overview on Marian iconography, liturgy, and cult in the Middle Ages in the light of current debates and approaches. It focuses on the emergence of Marian devotion and its interactions with religious, social, and cultural factors that determined both the evolution and the rise of Mary as a prominent gure throughout the Middle Ages.

Capture d’écran 2019-09-22 à 10.23.19

Research on any geographical area, pertaining to the indicated timeframe, is welcomed. Suggested topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Marian iconography and various media (statues, reliefs, stained glass windows, panel paintings, altar pieces, frescoes, miniatures)
  • Interactions with images, transfer(s) and circulation(s) of iconographies, movements of workshops
  • Production of (vernacular) religious literature: sermons, hymns, (private/public) devotional prayers, miracle stories, (apocryphal) lives of the Virgin, dreams, visions, and conversion stories
  • Production of secular literature
  • Theological and philosophical debates
  • Marian feasts, liturgy, religious drama, miracle plays
  • Relics, reliquaries, miracle-working images, devotional objects
  • Local/regional iconographic and/or devotional developments

We welcome submissions, from a variety of disciplines, including but not limited to: history, art history, visual culture, social history, cultural history, hagiography, religious studies, textual studies, gender studies, in a transdisciplinary perspective by highlighting the latest debates and approaches. Panel proposals are also welcomed.

The conference takes place on 22-24 April, 2020, at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. The registration is free of charge. Presentations are 15-20 minutes and the language of delivery is English.

Contextually, the speakers will be asked to submit their papers for the publication of an edited volume at Ca’ Foscari University Press (Edizioni Ca’ Foscari).

Please submit a 350-word proposal for a 15-20 minute paper. Proposals should have an abstract format and be accompanied by a short 500- 800 words CV, including e-mail, current af liation, and title/name.

Please submit all relevant documents as PDF les and/or Word.doc no later than 8 December, 2019 to the e-mail address: andrea.

Contact information:
For any additional information, please contact
Andrea-Bianka Znorovszky ( or
Flavia de Rubeis (, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
Organiser: Dr. Andrea-Bianka Znorovszky, Ca’ Foscari

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